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Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Have you guys ever heard about Fuddruckers? Some of you probably does. Among their fans, Fuddruckers are already known as a place that will definitely destroy your diet. It's not a surprise anymore that Fuddruckers serve non-healthy and high calories food. However, fans of Fuddruckers wouldn't mind adding some extra calories for their juicy burgers and tasty fries!

Vink (2017) stated, the grilled chicken breast on a wheat bun has only 401 calories and 8.4 g of fat. She then added, "While there are lower-calorie choices, true Fuddruckers fans know it's all about the burger. So opt for the 1/3 pound burger--the smallest on the menu. Choose the wheat bun, which saves 19 calories and almost 2 g of fat while providing more nutrition".

That is basically the meal with the lowest calories that Fuddruckers provides you. It is actually quite safe though, since it has almost 100 calories less than the normal daily calories intake. 

Generally speaking, if you know how to choose healthy menu at Fuddruckers, then it will not be a problem to control the calorie intake. 


Through Eggslut official website, they shared about the concept of their restaurant. In the website, they mentioned, "It's inspired by a true love for eggs. The menu is a balance of comfort and innovation, celebrating food that appeals to both novice and extreme foodie through classic comfort fare with a twist, all encompassing our key ingredient, eggs". 

Obviously from the name of the restaurant, Eggslut focuses more on meal which is egg-based, including their burgers. There are variety of menu which either fully using egg, or combined with meat. How healthy is burgers at the Eggslut?

Longest (2016), revealed in his blog regarding the nutrition information in Eggslut burger, which contain; Calories: 669, Fat: 46g, Saturated fat: 23g, Unsaturated fat: 19g, Trans fat: 1g, Carbohydrates: 32g, Sugar: 19g, Sodium: 1148mg, Fiber: 1g, Protein: 31g, and Cholesterol: 477mg.

Despite using egg as their base, Eggslut burger turn out to contain quite a high calories, which have exceeded the regular daily calories needed.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Vegans beware it's time to stack some patties! Fresh baked buns straight out of the oven, crisp coleslaw, tallow infused beef patties, melted cheddar cheese and oozing bacon strips. Simple yet so delicious, no fancy "extra crap" in between. Feast your eyes my friends! An A7s short film put together by 2 friends wanting to share their passion for food and burgers in particular.

Cr : Robin Ottosson

Click this link to watch this awesome video on YouTube!


Shake Shack

Have you ever heard of Shake Shack? I'm pretty sure that some of you haven't. This is because Shake Shack can be found in New York, so if you're not a New York citizen, it will be quite difficult for you to find one!

Shake Shack is not that famous internationally compared to Mc' Donalds, KFC or Burger King but it is actually famous in New York. Shake Shack serves you burger with freshly grounded beef, hot dogs, famous with their signature shakes and also variety of desserts. 

A single patty burger at Shake Shack contains 490 calories and 30 grams of fat, of which 11 grams are saturated. The double patty burger has 770 calories and 50 grams of fat, of which 20 grams are saturated. This is a large amount of fat for one meal, and too much saturated fat in your diet can increase your risk of heart disease. The burgers contain a lot of sodium, up to 1,895 milligrams, which is more than the daily 1,500-milligram limit recommended by the American Heart Association (Ipatenco, 2017).

The calories in the burger is quite close to daily intake of calories though, which is 500 calories. It is suggested that if you plan to eat healthy at Shake Shack, you can order a burger and skip their shake. Instead, order a glass of plain water then you'll be good!


Do you guys love Wendy's? Wendy's is pretty famous too though, although not as popular as Mc Donalds and KFC. One of the most popular Wendy's menu is Double Stack, which is basically a double cheeseburger. If you guys like cheese in your burger, Double Stack is one of the options!

What does they have in Double Stack and how much is exactly the calories?

Ipatenco (2018) revealed, the double cheeseburger at Wendy's, called the Double Stack, contains 420 calories and 21 grams of fat, of which 10 grams are saturated. In terms of fat, this version is better than the McDonald's version, but isn't as good as the double cheeseburger from Burger King. The Double Stack beats out both McDonald's and Burger King with its 27 grams of protein, but ties with McDonald's with its 1,050 milligrams of sodium.

Looking at the number of calories in Wendy's Double Stack, it is actually pretty good tho, since it does not exceed the daily calories limit, BUT that is if you only eat the ala carte, which is without the fries and drinks.

Reference : Healthiest Fast-Food Double Cheeseburger

Saturday, July 14, 2018


3. KFC
We will now proceed with another burgers from an also a famous fast food restaurant, which is KFC. KFC is more well-known for its well made fried chicken, but there are also a lots of people who love their burgers!

KFC serves variety type of burgers with crispy and juicy chicken meat patties, and chicken lovers will definitely fall for its heavenly taste. Differ from other burger restaurant that sell both beef and chicken burgers, KFC only provides their customers with chicken-based burgers, keeping up to its name which is Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC).

Of course, chicken is one of the healthy food listed in the food pyramid, which can provide protein to our body. However the question is, will it still considered healthy meal after being buttered, deep fried and modified with their secret spices and recipes, in order to waken up the customers' taste buds?

Chavan (2014) mentioned in her article on The Health Site, considering only the number of calories, burgers at McDonald’s are healthier than ones at KFC but it is not the case with the French fries, where KFC serves healthier fries when compared to a small serving of fries at McDonald’s. 

KFC Vegetable Zinger consumes 535 calories while their Chicken Zinger have 463 calories. While normal range of daily calories needed is 500 calories, KFC Vegetable Zinger already exceeded the number! Of course, that is not included with french fries and soft drink.

Friday, July 13, 2018


Next, Let's discuss about Burger King. Burger King has a special concept, which is grilling. People who loves grilled meat and the taste of charcoal will definitely favour Burger King more than anything. Served with soft buns and smoky grilled beef or chicken meat patties, I can say that Burger King is a  fast food heaven for certain people who prefers grilling style of cooking.

Grilling is known to be a healthier style of cooking compared to deep frying, but is it? Then does this means that Burger King meals are healthier and low calories compared to Mc Donalds? Let's find out.

Maia Appleby stated in her article, A Burger King Whopper with cheese provides 35 grams of protein and 3.2 grams of fiber. It is also rich in minerals, giving you 259 milligrams of calcium, 6 milligrams of iron, 57 milligrams of magnesium, 357 milligrams of phosphorus, 534 milligrams of potassium and 5 milligrams of zinc. However, one Burger King Whopper with cheese contains about 790 calories,which sum up to almost half amount of calories an average person should consume a day.

But, don't worry too much! There is another option for those who love Burger King Whopper Burger, but want to keep the calories low. You can order Whopper Jr. , which has half amount of the calories that the normal size Whopper has, or probably lesser than that.



So firstly, Let's start with Mc Donalds! Everyone, or most people loves Mc Donalds, that is not a doubt anymore. Mc Donalds is mostly famous for its burgers, although there are lots more different dishes served there. People stated that Mc Donalds burgers are freshly served with very juicy beef and chicken meat, which give them satisfaction for every meal.

But how about it's calories? Does Mc Donalds serves us healthy meal? Is it healthy to keep eating Mc Donalds burgers? Now let's check it out!

Co-founder of Appetite for Health, Julie Upton, a nutritionist, stated that “What makes beef healthier is when the leanest cuts are used, so that the total saturated fat and calories are lower”. However, Mc Donalds did not reach to this standard on keeping the calories in their meals low, probably so that they can beat another famous burger restaurants in term of serving juicy, thick and high quality beef or chicken meat patties.

Amanda Macmillan included in her blog, Health, stated that according to McDonald’s website, a Quarter Pounder with Cheese has 530 calories, 27 grams of fat (13 of which are saturated fat), and 1,090 milligrams of sodium. Although most dietitians suggested that a women's meal should not exceeded 500 calories per meal, and Mc Donalds's Quarter Pounder with cheese seems to not be that far off from the targeted calories, but that is only the burger alone.

What would the calories sum up to if a meal set with coke and fries are included? Obviously more calories than the normal calories range!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018



Do you guys like burger as if you could eat it for breakfast, lunch and also dinner? Well, i bet some do like to eat burger to that extend. Burger is very common no matter anywhere we go, and it is easily to be found too! There's plenty of fast food restaurants out there that we sometimes didn't know which one to choose to have our lunch at. At least it happened to me, many times.

But then speaking about it, have we ever think what differences could the burgers that are sold at different fast food restaurants serve us? Maybe in terms of quality, prices and also healthy meal. Obviously it would be different for every restaurant. Have you thought about if your preferences for burger are actually a good choice? 

In this blog, we will discuss about it. Let's check out some differences that we get from burgers at different fast food restaurant!